When it comes to story about a school one can find enormous examples where Parents and teachers usually discuss about the child and their performance and interests. But nobody talks in detail about the guiding methods or ways to be used for motivating the child so that he could develop leadership qualities and excel in every sphere. The child also gets squeezed in the discussion of books and activities. The situation does not seem to be too bad or grave though red warnings begin to appear on the Child attitude timely. It goes unnoticed by both the actors (Teachers and Parents). Generally, the school also gives ample opportunities to conduct teacher training and orientation Programmes which may enhance the knowledge of teacher and let them know new techniques of conducting classes and maintaining course curriculum. But recent years have expressed that the changes are happening among children but in totally destructive way. The suicide rates have increased, attitude congestion among children has increased and above that children started to turn against their parents and teachers and also towards society. The Government policy has been relaxed towards children. At the same time new laws have also emerged such as Juvenile Act. Now a child can be tried as adult according to the intensity of crime.
But the root cause of problem remains as it is, even though so many new changes have been brought. The reason is that main accuse i.e. non motivation in Child never got ridden. The reason is no one wants to be responsible for anyone, not even for a child who shall be future of the society. Neither any one realises the harm that is being done to themselves when the child goes unnoticed. Who wants to get accountable for this? “No one”. That is such a pity.
The educators and school leaders want to be successful and it is a good thing. There could be two ways one where teachers focus on “Just tell us what to do!” and the second is where teachers say, “Let’s try it, test it, reflect on it, and refine it. We need to make this work for our students and we need to recognize that this is a school, not a factory.” The teachers are well aware that all their jobs are far more complex than what can be measured by students’ performance on a single test, and they are aware that their broad curriculum, creative energy, and attention to the needs of individual students can be summed up with a single number i.e. result scores.
The school can receive a short-term praise for higher test scores and only later is it revealed that the school had an exceptionally high dropout rate among students who might have underperformed on the test and an exceptionally high ratio of students who were classified as special education and were excluded from testing. Thus it sums up that Child-centred focus is more accurate than traditional methods (where traditional methods is based on classes and results only).
A short example can explain this a bit more clearly -A teenage daughter needs to lose 20 pounds, the doctor advises. Within a few weeks, the daughter proudly announces, “I’ve lost 20 pounds!” Can we be satisfied that this measurement—lost weight—is an accurate portrayal of daughter’s health? The weight loss could be due to some food disorder or diet or some disease which led to reduction of 20 kilos. So how does score matters? I remember a famous incident which came into limelight,” an IITian went to study at one of the top most university of US. Thereafter he also got a job. He had a happy family. But one day he murdered his daughter, wife and later killed himself. After a thorough investigation it came to notice that he could not tackle with extreme stress. He was never satisfied with his work. He wanted to improve and that led to stress in his life. When his life analysis was done than it was noticed that he was always competing to be on top and that became his passion since schooling. But when the life practicalities appeared he was unable to deal with stress or pressure. He had no training on this aspect, neither from his parents, school or peers. So today all that great score has no meaning neither to the world nor to his school and nor to his family. Every teacher wants students to be successful. The teachers are second parents after birth parents. But they find it frustrating in the extreme to be held responsible for students who do not attend school, and they are angry that teachers and principals are the only people in the system who are held responsible, when other role players in the child’s education, including parents, support staff, and Government office administrators, also have important roles to play in the Child achievement and development.
Staff morale is improved dramatically not through false affirmation—“Everything is fine!” when in fact it is manifestly clear that everything is not fine. Rather, staff morale is improved when challenges are faced honestly and leaders recognize that many of the solutions for confronting those challenges are in their own school and district. Great leaders develop systematic ways to catch teachers doing things right, document those successes, make those successes the focal point of faculty meetings and professional development sessions, and leverage those successes when confronting failures and challenges.
It is important that teachers should be first leaders. Though they have individual lives too with different personal problems and also have to deal with less pay checks. However 70% of their time is spent on Children in school. There are no laws which prevent school and parents to reward the teachers who goes to extra mile to support unmotivated students with leadership skills. Although the task of Child focus approach is not easy, yet it is not difficult too. With Proper training and steps they can awaken those changes in child.